A downloadable game

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Long story short, a man (J) roped his wife (D) into helping him make a game for the pixel art game jam.

D had absolutely ZERO experience in making games but thought ‘why not'. So in a week she learnt how to do pixel art and pixel art animation with the help of J.

The theme for this Game Jam is Mystery, so we have decided to do a fantasy, 2d, side-scroller in unity. The game includes story-telling, adventure and secrets to be revealed.

We are absolute beginners in this so be kind plz. J has been working personally on programming, has dabbled in pixel art previously and is an avid gamer. D learnt design and art/animation in a very short amount of time.

This has been super fun and we’re happy with our game! We would love your feedback.

Everything you see is completely made by us, EXCEPT for the below elements:


Gameplay Music: https://draelent.itch.io/our-lord-is-not-ready

Opening Music:
Chain Warden from https://gamaliwa.itch.io/dark-a

Clouds In Game:

Retro Sound Effects: dagurasusketch https://dagurasusketch.itch.io/retrosounds

Sound Affects pack: 
Minifantasy https://leohpaz.itch.io/minifantasy-dungeon-sfx-pack

Font Text: 


EndlessNight Build.zip 36 MB

Install instructions

1) Unzip folder
2) Launch Endless Night Application
3) Enjoy!

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